Tuvo que llegar ese dia que nunca que queremos , y lamentablemente llego, visto y no visto, una vela demoledora que en 30 minutos hizo bajar el Russell mas de un 3% , y subir la volatilidad casi un 5%. Lo teniamos todos a favor, rango de 65 puntos y una prima excelente superior a 8 dólares.
Ya sabemos que el principal enemigo de la venta de opciones es un movimiento brusco del mercado , y peor si es hacia abajo pues hara subir la volatilidad bruscamente cuando nosotros vamos corto de Vega. En momentos dificiles como este, con el sistema en maximo drawdown , nos entran unas ganas terribles de subir contratos para compensar, tras dos semanas malas seguidas. Pues bien siguiendo nuestra hoja de ruta vamos a hacer justo lo contrario y bajar a 3 contratos para el próximo trade.
Seamos pacientes , disciplinados y sobre todo luchadores.
That day we never want, had to arrive and unfortunately It came up, seen and not seen...., a demolishing candle that just in less than 30 minutes made the Russell drop more than 3%, and raised the volatility almost a 5%. We had it all in favor, a range of 65 points and an excellent premium above 8 dollars.
We already know that the main enemy of selling options is a sudden movement of the market, and worse if it is downwards because it will raise the volatility sharply considering out position is short of Vega. In difficult times like this, with the system in maximum drawdown, a deep desire to raise contracts growths inside us to compensate losses, after two bad weeks in a row. Well.... following our roadmap, we will do just the opposite and go down to 3 contracts for the next trade. Let's be patient, disciplined and above all fighters.
Weekly set up and final permormance
Russell chart with entry and exit points
Track record and money management rules
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