La semana con vencimiento 4 de septiembre ( fecha de liquidación ) no hice entrada, sicológicamente necesitaba descansar del varapalo de la semana anterior, y además la volatilidad estaba excesivamente alta. Aunque somos vendedores de volatilidad, un mercado tan nervioso puede ser peligroso.
Esta semana abrimos posiciones el Miércoles en lugar del Jueves, ya que el Lunes 7 era festivo en Estados Unidos ( día del trabajo). Esto unido a que el mercado chino cerraba Jueves y Viernes, y que la prima era muy buena, con un rango de 50 puntos por abajo y 40 por arriba, ambos factores han ayudado a mantener la cuna centrada, y disfrutar por fin de una semana muy rentable, que nos ayuda a intentar salir de nuevo del drawdown, que empezó el pasado 14 de Julio.
Last week, with September 4 as expiration date, I did not enter at the market. After previous week blow I needed , psychologically , to disconnect for a while, and on the other hand the volatility was too high. Although we are volatility sellers, a extreme nervous market can be dangerous for this strategy.
This week we opened the position on Wednesday instead of Thursday, as on Monday 7 US markets were closed (Labor Day). This , along with the fact that Chinese market was closed on Thursday and Friday, and the weekly cashed premium was very reasonable, with a range from 50 points down to 40 above, both factors have helped to keep the strangle very centered at the chart with no volatility peaks, and finally enjoy a very profitable week , which helps us to come out from a period of drawdown, that began last July 14.
This week we opened the position on Wednesday instead of Thursday, as on Monday 7 US markets were closed (Labor Day). This , along with the fact that Chinese market was closed on Thursday and Friday, and the weekly cashed premium was very reasonable, with a range from 50 points down to 40 above, both factors have helped to keep the strangle very centered at the chart with no volatility peaks, and finally enjoy a very profitable week , which helps us to come out from a period of drawdown, that began last July 14.
Enhorabuena Guillermo por muchos motivos pero en especial por tu honradez profesional y tu disciplina para leer correctamente el mercado y superar esos difíciles momentos que se sufren en esta profesión. También te felicito por tu autodominio y autoconocimiento para operar.Todo mi ánimo y un fuerte abrazo de tu amigo