miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Semana 54 / Week 54 ( April, 28 expiration date )

Al final tenia que venir una primera operación mala , y tenía que ser esta.
Excelente prima ingresada , excelente rango , excelente pico de volatilidad , ...... operación fallida. 

Podiamos haber cerrado el lunes con buenos beneficios, pero no teniamos aun consolidado el 50% de la prima ingresada, preferimos ser disciplinados y seguir el sistema; porque si hubiera salido bien en operaciones como esta se gana muchisimo dinero.
Finally, a bad first operation had to come up, and so It happened...
Excellent cashed premium , excellent range, excellent peak of volatility, ...... failed operation.

We could have closed on Monday with a reasonable profit, though we had not yet consolidated 50% of the premium, so that I prefered to be disciplined and follow the system; because in trades like this , is where you get a plus in your track record. We move down from 4 to 3 contracts for next week, considering our money management rules.

Strategy Report

Russell 2000 chart with opened range and volatility map

Money management template and track record stats

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Semana 53 / Week 53 ( April, 7 expiration date )

Aunque el precio apenas se movió, la volatilidad se incrementó mas de 1 punto y recortó bastante el potencial beneficio. Nueva semana ganadora ! Esto es un concepto muy interesante para las opciones, la volatilidad puede subir y el precio no moverse.

Although the price hardly moved, the volatility increased by more than 1 point and cut the potential profit significantly. New winning week ! This is a very interesting concept for the options, the volatility can rise although the price does not move.

Strategy report

Chart including Russell 2000 index performance and volatility

Money management template....say hello to 4 contracts ??