Semana muy extraña y complicada. Abrimos la posición el martes 24 en lugar del jueves 26, ya que el jueves teniamos el día de acción de gracias en USA , y el viernes 27 el mercado solo abría 3 horas.
Históricamente era una semana alcista casi con toda probabilidad, y así fue.
Esta situación nos ayuda a entender la asimetría del mercado en la que tanto insisto. Observemos como teniamos la posición al cierre del viernes. La cuna estaba casi dentro del dinero, y la call con una delta cercana a 0,50, sin embargo el mercado no nos echó, básicamente por dos razones:
1) La prima ingresada el martes 24 fue elevada ( 5,40$) , por lo que nuestro stop loss se fijó en 10,80$.
2) La brusca subida del mercado ocasionó una brusca caida de la volatilidad y esto nos ayudó a protegernos del mercado. Observese el óvalo dibujado en el gráfico del RVX al cierre del viernes.
Curiosamente esta semana tocamos el call strike y el mercado no nos echa, sin embargo hace 2 semanas nos quedamos a 15 puntos del put strike y el mercado si nos echó. La clave es la volatilidad (vega) y no tanto como de cerca estemos del strike ( delta ) , aunque esta última sea importante.
Very strange and difficult week. We opened the position on Tuesday 24 instead of Thursday 26, because on Thursday we had the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, and on Friday 27 the market was only open three hours. Historically this week was bullish , and so It happenned ...
This situation helps us understand the asymmetry of the market in which I always insist. Take a look at the position at Friday's close. The position was almost "in the money", and the call leg reached a delta close to 0.50, but the market didn't chase us out, basically for two reasons:
1) The premium cashed on Tuesday 24 was very reasonable (5.40$), so our stoploss was set at 10.80$.
2) The sharp rise in the market caused a sharp drop in volatility and this helped to protect us from the market. Note the oval drawn on the graph RVX Friday´s close.
This week our position touched the call strike call the market didn´t expel us curiously, however two weeks ago we were 15 points above our put strike and we were chased out. The key is the volatility (vega) and not how far we are positioned from both strikes levels (delta), although this last greek is important.
Provisional situation at Friday´s close ( real account in Interactive Brokers )
Weekly Setup and final performance
Index Chart
RVX chart ( note the oval on Friday´s close and the big drop in volatility )
Track record after 35 weeks